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Memberships at Pinnacle Online Training

Restaurant worker who must comply with AODA

What kind of Account should I select?

Pinnacle provides two types of accounts.  During the registration procedure, you will be given the opportunity to select the most appropriate account for you.  Your decision will be based on your purpose for seeking training.

The two types of accounts are

I am an Individual

If you are seeking training for yourself, and are not a member of an organization that is seeking to manage their training, then you would select this type of registration.
What does this registration give you?
  1. When you complete the registration/purchase procedure you will be automatically enrolled into the course or courses that you purchased. 
  2. In the future when you purchase additional courses you will be asked to sign into the site, and once the purchase process has been completed you will be automatically enrolled into the new courses that you have purchased.
  3. When you complete a course, you can print your own Certificates of Completion, both full size (11 x 8.5) and wallet size.
  4. All of previous purchases are counted towards determining your current purchase rate.
For an individual seeking personal training, this is the choice for you!

I am a Training Manager

If you manage the training for a group or your organization then this is your choice!
What does this registration give you?
  1. Manage the allocation of training units (courses)
  2. Review the progress of your trainees
    1. at the organization level
    2. at the department/branch/subsidiary level
    3. at a trainee level
      1. review course progress
      2. review latest quiz results
  3. The ability to delegate the management of training to Assistant Training Managers  
    1. These Assistant Training Managers can review the progress of their trainees  
      1. see items 2.b and 2.c above
  4. The ability to add trainees individually or "on mass" by importing an Excel spreadsheet of trainees
    1. An Excel template is provided
  5. Reclaim unused training units
  6. add/update organization and department/branch/subsidiary information
  7. Print individual Certificates of Completion
    1. either Full page or wallet size
  8. View reports:
    1. Report Trainees by Course and Year, also by Department
    2. Trainees' Course Statuses
    3. Trainees which have Completed Courses - by Date and Department selectable
    4. Trainees which have Incomplete Course - by Date and Department selectable
    5. Training Unit Purchases by Date

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